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'Tis the season... for improvising!


Updated: Jul 18, 2023

‘Tis the season for many things: colds, feeling cold, and Christmas to name just a few.

It’s been a funny old week in my house, to add to a rather full-on December (see my previous blog on the December load!), and, if I’m being really honest, rounding off a pretty tough 2022.

I really can’t stand a common cold and yet I can’t complain really as it was my girl who had a really grotty one and was off school earlier in the week. Hence the improvising! Whilst trying not to get said cold (did I mention how much I hate them?!), I was also hovering around with a thermometer, hawk-eyed for other symptoms given recent health news. And then trying to fit in some work. It’s one of those times when it is fortunate that I don’t have a ‘normal’ working day – but it doesn’t necessarily mean it is easier!

two homemade paper christmas tree decorations made with folded coloured paper

We improvised a bit of learning (when she felt well enough!), we improvised some Christmas crafts (always harder than they look!) and we watched some TV together (anyone else enjoying Strictly? Controversial judging this year??). Picture of said crafts here - these were our third or maybe even fourth go! Who knew you could fold and cut paper wrongly at least twice for something that looked so easy?! And I didn’t achieve what I intended to work-wise.

Anyway, my point to all of this is, often we find ourselves just doing our best, whatever it is we are contending with. It’s not perfect, we aren’t always on top form, and sometimes things don’t go according to plan or turn out as expected. And it’s OK.

A question I find helpful to ask myself when I’m getting het up about what’s happening right now is this one ‘will this matter in xx (time period) time?’. The shorter the time period that is, the more I can allow myself to appreciate some perspective that I was missing when I was feeling het up (which is totally normal!). This isn’t about negating the feelings we have when we have them, it’s about acknowledging them for being temporary and being based very much in the ‘right now’. We are human and we can feel things acutely. We sometimes just need to remember the temporary bit!

If there are things weighing on your mind, that will still matter in xx weeks’ or months’ time, please do get in touch as I’d love to see if coaching may be helpful. It may not be, and that’s OK too. or book straight in for a chat here.

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