Today, when we talk about a lost connection, we tend to immediately think that our Wi-Fi must be down – and what a nuisance it is, what will we do now?! I’ve been there for sure! But today I am talking about connection that has nothing to do with broadband, Wi-Fi or any technology.

I heard a phrase a few months back in networking that has really stuck with me when we were talking about the benefits of nature – it was that ‘out in nature, there’s no Wi-Fi, but there’s better connection’. And it has inspired this blog together with my personal passion that connection with what really matters is such an important priority that can get overlooked.
Better connection with what matters
I’m not suggesting that you need to go and stand in a garden to feel better connected with the world (although by all means do if that works for you!). What it highlighted to me which I think is true – is that in our busy lives when there is so much to do, and autopilot can easily take over, we really can lose sight of, or touch with, what really matters to us. It happened to me and it took quite an abrupt wake up call for me to realise it.
I won’t go too much into my story now (you can read more about that in this blog here) but in summary, facing potentially life-altering consequences was like a slap around the face with a wet fish to wake me up to what really mattered to me after all. It wasn’t some of the things that I was investing so much of my time, energy and even money into. And I could choose to change that! It was the start of a very different life for me.
How do I know what really matters to me?
It is perhaps both fortunate and unfortunate that some of us may not have this ‘face with a wet fish slap’ moment. I am hopeful that reading this blog may inspire you to consider the question: ‘what are you focusing on in your life – and does it really matter?’. I don’t mean this in a ‘don’t sweat the small stuff’ sense – we know that we can’t control some things that come in to our lives that we just have to deal with, like it or not. I mean our focus in much larger general terms of what we are doing, how we are spending our time, who with, and how much it matters to us.
If this doesn’t feel particularly clear right now – don’t lose heart! It may help to look at it from another angle – what do you perhaps feel you have lost touch with – that you wish you could find again?
What have you lost connection with?
My image of the ‘lost mum’ came about quite early on in my coaching journey, because I was hearing so many ways in which my coaching clients were feeling lost. Perhaps have a closer look at it – do some of the words feel like they are something you have lost which you’d like to find again?
There is no shame in feeling a bit lost from time to time – in fact I think it is completely normal. The important part is not to get too ‘lost’ before we find what really matters again, re-align ourselves and set off with renewed purpose, enthusiasm, motivation and vigour again!
And I’ve noticed this is something of a recurring event for me – it’s not a case of ‘once found, never lost again’!
I don’t say this so you may lose heart – in fact it’s the contrary. I feel it is part of my mission to normalise so many of the things that women experience in their lives, so they know they aren’t alone, there’s no need for embarrassment or shame, and, even better, there is another option.
Step away from autopilot and refocus
No one has it nailed all the time, fact. Even if they look and sound like they do. I firmly believe that we can all benefit from pause moments to really think rather than continue with our busy autopilot doing!
So, if right now you know you are feeling a bit lost, (and your compass, torch and map have all mysteriously gone out the window for the moment), let’s have a chat.
A coach is a companion for part of your journey, whilst you get back on track. You navigate, decide the destination, the pitstops and the route (even if we take planned detours, they are allowed!). My role is to add the tailwind while you fly.
If you’d like to know more, book in for a complimentary no-obligation clarity session here: